Thorns Primary School

Safe - Happy - Learning



Meet the Governors

Thorns Primary Governing Board are a group of people made up of School staff, parents and others with a keen passion to ensure that the children of Thorns Primary receive the best education possible. Governors have 3 main roles.  

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the Headteacher to account for the education performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that the money is well spent (Governance Handbook DfE (March 2019)
  • As a Governing Board, we have a range of expertise to ensure that these 3 functions are fulfilled. We meet regularly throughout the academic year as a Governing Board in order to carry out these functions.   We meet as a Full Governing Board once each term when we all discuss, question and challenge the leadership of the School. We do not have Committees as such but conduct our work during our two full Governing Body meetings. We have two committee meetings each term, School Improvement and Finanance, Personnel, Premises. We have Link Governors which is when we visit School to carry out first-hand monitoring. We have the chance to talk to the children and to experience life at Thorns Primary for ourselves. We also visit School at other times for example to support with reading.

    Governing Board List 2024/25
    Name and Category Term Start Term Ends
    Mrs R Dalgleish - Chair of Governors 19.07.2016 28.06.2024
    Mrs R Jordan - Head Teacher 1.09.2018 Ex Officio
    Mrs J Lane - Staff Governor 01.02.2021 31.01.2025
    Mr I Geddes - Co-opted Governor 11.11.2019 10.11.2023
    Mrs D Tilley - LA Governor 11.07.2022 10.07.2026
    Mr D Charles - Parent Governor 11.07.2022 10.07.2026
    School Improvement Committee Finance, Personnel and Premises Committee
    Rebecca Jordan Rebecca Jordan
    Deb Tilley Rebecca Dalgleish
    Joanne Lane Ian Geddes
    David Charles
    Appraisal Committee Pay Committee
    Rebecca Dalgleish

    Register of Governors' Business Interests 2024/2025

    Mrs R Dalgleish:

    Manager of Private Pre-School. 

    Rent of pre-school premises on Thorns Primary school site and provision of wraparound care on school site

    Register of Relationships between Governors or Relationships between Governors and School Staff

    We have no recorded relationships at present. The question is asked when we appoint a new Governor or member of staff.


    Governors who have served in the last 12 months

    Name Category and date resigned

    Linda Parry Co-opted Governor 31/07/2023

    Jane Morgan Co-opted Governor 08/01/2024

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