SEND and Inclusion
All children are welcomed and included at Thorns Primary School. We value each individual and believe that the purpose of education is to challenge all children to achieve their fullest intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual, cultural and moral development.
Inclusion is at the heart of everything that we say and do, and all our classrooms are inclusive which create a supportive environment for all learners. Inclusivity means respecting people from all backgrounds and cultures and teaching our students the importance of this creates a much more tolerant and understanding environment, not just in the classroom and the school but also in the wider society.
We have a team of skilled staff who support the inclusion of our pupils. Our SENCO and Inclusion Lead is Mr Hinkley.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report
The SEND Information Report outlines the provision we are able to offer at Thorns Primary School, in support of our pupils with SEND, to ensure that every pupil is able to access learning that ensures progress, the development of life skills and positive emotional well-being for future lives. It also outlines the agencies that we work with to ensure we have access to a range of specialist professionals to deliver the most effective provision for our pupils. Provision may change and develop over time as we respond to the pupils we have in our school.
Dudley’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Bulletin
The Dudley Special Educational Needs and Disabilities e- bulletin’s) aim is to keep parent carers, education settings and stakeholders informed about Dudley’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Programme as well as news and events.
As a system we are working hard to improve our SEND offer across the borough. A lot is happening and we are gathering pace to better support our children, young people and families with SEND.
Our latest bulletin provides
- updates of our improvement journey including our progress of our Delivering Better Value Programme in SEND
- SEND news from the Dudley Parent Carer Forum, Health, the council and partners
- details of useful events for parent carers and practitioners
- SEND Education Settings News which includes information about free SEND training Resources.
Sign up now ( to receive this e-bulletin direct to your email inbox

Dudley’s Local Offer is a new one stop shop website for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents and carers.
Dudley’s Local Offer is part of the Dudley Community Information Directory – an online directory which offers people quick and easy access to information on local services.
The Local Offer webpages contain a wealth of up to date information on areas which include education, training and work, health, leisure and fun, care and moving into adulthood.
The website aims to help young people and parents to make individual, informed, positive decisions and choices
Below you will find Thorns Primary School:
SEN Policy
SEN Report
Whole School SEN Provision Map
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions