Admission Arrangements
Applying for Your Child’s Primary School Place
If your child lives in Dudley, you need to apply to Dudley Council for a primary school place. Even if you have already approached a school, or have put your child’s name down at a school, you still need to make an application.
Attendance at a particular nursery gives no priority for a place at primary school.
Places at Thorns Primary are allocated by the Dudley Admissions Service using the Dudley schools admissions criteria. For further information please see the link below.
Information about primary school admissions can be found at the following link:
If you wish to join our school after the start of Reception please contact admissions on 0300 555 2345.
How to Apply for a School Place During the School Year
In year school admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley Local Authority. If you would like to apply for a school place at Thorns Primary School, please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345. Further information is available at:
You may find this booklet a useful guide to admission arrangments in the Dudley borough